My name is Scott and like many of you, I am a huge fan of professional tennis, particularly Roger Federer. I have always been fascinated by how effortless he makes the game look, even during practice sessions.
One day, a thought struck me- was Federer's ease a consequence of his mastery, or was it the cause? To find out, I decided to experiment with a new approach to tennis. Instead of exerting all my effort, I focused on making the game as easy as possible. To my surprise, I found that I could hit just as hard, if not harder, while using less energy.
Although I am no scientist, I know that energy must come from somewhere. So, how was this possible? The answer, I discovered, was gravity. By trying less hard, I was intuitively taking advantage of the free momentum that gravity provided me.
Since then, I have learned that gravity is more than just a free source of power. By learning to make full use of gravity, you can unlock higher levels of control, rhythm, and timing- all while using less energy. You will soon realize that your best tennis is also your easiest.
So, let's start exploring this concept of making tennis easier through the power of gravity with this free video. I promise you won't regret it.
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