Regardless of your playing level, you've experienced this at least once: the shot that just felt perfect.
What did it feel like? Chances are it felt different. It sounded different. It felt almost like the shot was automatic, like you could feel the shot coming even before contact.
But the question today is, does it matter? Are perfect shots lucky flukes, or something you can build a game around?
I used to believe the former, but as I began experimenting with a looser playing style, something unexpected happened: I found the more relaxed I played, the more often I would experience that perfect shot feeling.
What I realize now is that how a shot feels is actually the most important feedback you can have.
A good-feeling shot means that your stroke production is free of racket-slowing and rhythm-breaking tension.
Let's say you hit two shots, one that feels great but goes out, and another that doesn't feel very good but goes in. Which one was the "better" shot? When it comes to developing technique, the good-feeling shot is the better one.
How you react to your performance impacts the way you form habits. If you affirm poorly struck shots and dismiss well-struck shots because you over-prioritize "in" and "out," you are standing in the way of your own technical progress.
The next time you practice, pay extra attention to the feelings of your strokes, and make sure you take time in each practice to rally for rhythm. Don't just jump into point-play. There's a reason so many pros spend hours on the court just hitting back and forth.
Rhythm and relaxation is essential to attain peak performance, but it must be deliberately cultivated. One key to doing that is to prioritize how a shot feels over where a shot ends up. If it feels good, you're on the right track. If the shot is out, make some adjustments and try again, but don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.
If you don't already have it, make sure to go to GravityTennis.com to download your free relaxation checklist. It contains 8 key points designed to help you hit more perfect shots.
As always, reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions or feedback.
Scott (the "Zen" coach)
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