
The following are products I personally use on a regular basis. Some of these are endorsements and some have special discounts. Click on the images to be taken to a purchase link. 


Apeak Tennis


This is THE killer app for mental training. Develop confidence, increase your resilience, improve your ability to stay in the present while being able to adapt to any situation. Created in cooperation with mental performance super-coach Dr. Jim Loehr.



With the power of AI, SwingVision gives any iPhone user the same shot tracking and stat analysis as you see at pro tournaments. 

Topspin Pro


This is THE killer app for mental training. Develop confidence, increase your resilience, improve your ability to stay in the present while being able to adapt to any situation. Created in cooperation with mental performance super-coach Dr. Jim Loehr.

Slinger Bag Portable Ball Launcher


This is THE killer app for mental training. Develop confidence, increase your resilience, improve your ability to stay in the present while being able to adapt to any situation. Created in cooperation with mental performance super-coach Dr. Jim Loehr.