Episode 11: How Heavy Should Your Racket Be?

Here is a 2020 update to the debate on heavy vs light tennis rackets. Above is my full take, but here are a few conclusions: 1) Light rackets can handle soft to medium paced rallies. The ball gains momentum with added speed. Thus, the ball "feels" heavier because it is, practically speaking, actually heavier! 2) Relatively speaking, heavier rackets confer more of their own force to the ball. More mass is basically required at higher levels of play. 3) It doesn't necessarily take an equivalent level of strength to swing a 11.5oz racket compared to a 10oz racket. The secret is learning a more efficient way to swing. 4) As a general rule, players should challenge themselves to play a little heavier. 5) Counterintuitively, reducing racket weight can aggravate chronic injuries by relying too much on the body to provide stability and force. Relatively heavier rackets (*when used correctly*) can assume that burden and potentially reduce injury (not all cases, of course).