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Topspin Pro Review: The Ultimate Topspin Trainer gear reviews topspin Dec 27, 2022

The TOPSPIN PRO Tennis Trainer is a great way to get the hang of adding topspin to your strokes. It's lightweight and modular, making it easy to pack up and take with you wherever you go. The guides help direct the swing path. As you can see from the angle, producing topspin requires a more vertical...

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Hit A Perfect Topspin Forehand With 3 Key Words forehand gravity tennis instruction topspin Dec 14, 2022

In just three words, you can learn how to hit the perfect topspin forehand ground stroke: "Tip," "Skip", and "Whip."

#1 β€œTip”

"Tip" refers to the take-back of your racquet. To get into the correct racket position, imagine there's a light at the end of your racquet strings and that you're simply "s...

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